The international conference center of the Broadcasting Organization

iran travel
The international conference center of the Broadcasting Organization The international conference center of the Broadcasting Organization

If you have been active in the field of holding conferences and conventions, you must have heard the name of the International Conference Center of the Broadcasting Organization. This hall is one of the best and most equipped convention and conference halls in Tehran, which is intended for holding conventions and conferences with different halls. This conference hall, with its professional equipment for holding standard conventions and conferences, has always been the focus of the organizers of such events. One of the features of the conference center of the Broadcasting Organization is the ability to broadcast conferences live. Among the other facilities that you can see in this hall is a multi-purpose lobby that can be used for holding exhibitions and booths. Khwaja Nasir Hall, Maulana Hall, Sheikh Mofid Hall, Sheikh Bahai Hall, Faiz and Attar Halls, Ibn Sina Hall, Negotiations Complex, Traditional Tea House, Various Lobby, Dining Hall, Shams Hall and the dedicated parking lot of this complex are among the facilities of Sada Organization Conference Center. And it is Sima, which has the ability to meet the needs of the organizers of scientific and specialized events with different capacities and facilities. These facilities allow you to choose any of the halls and halls according to your needs.