Package Details

Dizin Ski Resort

Dizin Ski Resort welcomes professional winter sports athletes since a long time. It is the largest and most equipped ski resort in the Middle East and the first one in Iran. This resort is ready to provide services in both winter and summer. As a result, the many services of Dizin Ski Resort meets almost all your sportive needs on your checklist. Enjoy the time with all the equipment and create one of your unforgettable memories.

The most professional Ski Resort of Tehran is located in an 80-kilometer ride from Chalous Road. The location is approximately somewhere between Tehran and Mazandaran Province. The only possible way to get to this resort is by a car as there is no public transportation accessibility. Moreover, other attractions in the area are Tochal Ski Resort, Dizin Ski Resort, Sa’ad Abad Complex, Niavaran Palace Complex, Time Museum, and Tajrish Traditional Bazaar.

History of Dizin Ski Resort

Raika Tosee Kish Company has been investing in constructing sports and entertaining complexes for a long time. Iran Revolutionary Guard Corps owns this company. It has recently been expanding this resort for a better equipment and development. Therefore, the guests will enjoy the facilities that they deserve. The noticeable point about this resort is that it is the most capable resort in the Middle East. The World Federation has also recognized this resort as an international one. Moreover, it is the first and the most equipped ski resort in Iran.

Structure of Dizin Ski Resort

Dizin Ski Resort is highly suitable for almost any kind of winter sports. There are brand-new plans for building new areas for particular sports. There are 23 ski pistes, containing various kinds of pistes for distinct tastes. The peak time of the ski resort begins from November and lasts until the end of April. Other services of this resort are 5 restaurants, 2 hotels, and 19 huts. The climate of this region is quite awesome; it is cold enough (-20 degree centigrade) in winter and cool (+20 degree centigrade) in summer. Furthermore, grass skiing in summer is possible. It also holds other summer sports like mountain biking, archery, kiting and so on. All these advantages have caused this resort to be a unique touristic pole in the Middle East.

Where to Eat Near Dizin Ski Resort

The close places to have tasty meals and snacks around Dizin Ski Resort are Lotus Restaurant and Gajereh Restaurant. Head for these places and grab a bite of something delicious in between your discovery!

Where to Stay Near Dizin Ski Resort

Among the many accommodations that are near Tochal Ski Resort, Apochi offers you the best ones: Shemshak Tourist Hotel (2-Star) and Jahangardi Meygoon Hotel (3-Star). 


Pellentesque accumsan magna in augue sagittis, non fringilla eros molestie. Sed feugiat mi nec ex vehicula, nec vestibulum orci semper. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Donec tristique commodo fringilla. Duis aliquet varius mauris eget rutrum. Nullam sit amet justo consequat, bibendum orci in, convallis enim. Proin convallis neque viverra finibus cursus. Mauris lacinia lacinia erat in finibus.

Pellentesque accumsan magna in augue sagittis, non fringilla eros molestie. Sed feugiat mi nec ex vehicula, nec vestibulum orci semper. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Donec tristique commodo fringilla.

  • Specilaized Bilingual Guide
  • Private Transport
  • Entrance Fees
  • Box Lunch,Water,Dinner and Snacks

Pellentesque accumsan magna in augue sagittis, non fringilla eros molestie. Sed feugiat mi nec ex vehicula, nec vestibulum orci semper. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Donec tristique commodo fringilla.

  • Specilaized Bilingual Guide
  • Private Transport
  • Entrance Fees
  • Box Lunch,Water,Dinner and Snacks

Pellentesque accumsan magna in augue sagittis, non fringilla eros molestie. Sed feugiat mi nec ex vehicula, nec vestibulum orci semper. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Donec tristique commodo fringilla.

  • Specilaized Bilingual Guide
  • Private Transport
  • Entrance Fees
  • Box Lunch,Water,Dinner and Snacks

Pellentesque accumsan magna in augue sagittis, non fringilla eros molestie. Sed feugiat mi nec ex vehicula, nec vestibulum orci semper. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Donec tristique commodo fringilla.

  • Specilaized Bilingual Guide
  • Private Transport
  • Entrance Fees
  • Box Lunch,Water,Dinner and Snacks

Pellentesque accumsan magna in augue sagittis, non fringilla eros molestie. Sed feugiat mi nec ex vehicula, nec vestibulum orci semper. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Donec tristique commodo fringilla.

  • Specilaized Bilingual Guide
  • Private Transport
  • Entrance Fees
  • Box Lunch,Water,Dinner and Snacks