Clothing Codes

Iran asks its visitors to comply with a few rules concerning clothing.

For women, wearing of a headscarf is mandatory including for foreign women, however, the color does not matter. In general, they must cover their arms and legs, pants and a long tunic in summer and in winter a long coat or jacket are advisable.

The best is to have light clothing and cotton scarves in summer and hot months. Sandals are accepted. For spring and autumn some warm clothes, and for the winter warm clothes. Makeup for women poses no problem.

Men will not be able to wear shorts or Bermuda shorts. They will also have to cover their arms in some holy places. Do not forget to take off shoes at the entrance of mosques and mausoleums.

Please respect these rules as soon as you land in Tehran.


Money & Exchange

Only get cash (euros), with the notes in good condition. Because of the sanctions credit cards and traveler’s checks are not accepted. The exchange can take place in official banks that open from 9am to 14h from Saturday to Wednesday but also in official currency exchange offices.

The official monetary unit in Iran is the Iranian Rial (IRR). But in fact, most people do not speak in Rial but Toman which is a term inherited from the past. A Toman is equal to 10 rials. The prices displayed are normally are expressed in Rials. The sooner you become familiar with the Toman, the better.


Telephone & Write & Internet & Electricity

Telephone: it is easy to call Europe from Iran, dial 00 + country code (France 33, Belgium 32, Switzerland 41) + the area code followed by the correspondent number, without the initial 0. Long distance calls, hotels are quite cheap except in hotels in Tehran. The hotel is by far the most convenient place

To call abroad

To call from France to Iran, just dial 00 + 98 (country code) + area code, without 0 (Tehran: 21 - Shiraz: 71 - Isfahan: 31 - Yazd: 351) + n ° the correspondent.

For use, cover your mobile think to consult your provider before departure. Regarding French or European GSM telephone networks, some are doing rooming in Iran but pay attention to the tariff. Better to buy a local SIM card.

Write: we find maps and stamps for sale in hotels and post offices of course.

Internet: It is easy to access internet in Iran in hotels (official rate), but also in the many cybercafés (very affordable price).

Electricity current is 220 V and the electrical outlets are the same as in France and other European countries.



shops are generally open from Saturday to Thursday from 9:00 to 20:00. Outside the city of Tehran, the shops are closed between 14:00 and 16:00. Shops close on Friday (the equivalent of our Sunday).

Museums are generally open from 8.30 am to 6 pm in summer (until 4 pm or 5 pm in winter); Weekly closing, Monday or Tuesday. Tehran's museums are open every day.

The Crown Jewels Museum is open from Saturday to Tuesday from 14:00 to 16:30.

It will be closed during official holidays.

Jet lag

 There is 2 hours and 30 minutes of time difference with France, in summer as in winter. At noon in France, it is 2:30 pm in Iran. 


National holidays & holidays Solar or lunar, 

the Persian calendar changes every year. It is therefore necessary to check the dates of the holidays and the various holidays. 

National holidays in 2018 according to the Persian solar calendar: 

February 11: Day of the Islamic Revolution of 1979. 

March 20: Nationalization day of the oil industry, in 1951. 

From March 21st to 24th: Norouz Festival, the Iranian New Year. 

April 1: Day of the Islamic Republic. 

September 8: Day of the martyrs of the Revolution. 


Holidays in 2018. The sites will be closed to the visit: 

From 21 to 24/03/2018: Norouz,

04 & 05/06/2018: Death of Imam Khomeini,

09/07/2018: Death of the sixth Imam Shiite,

19 & 20/09/2018: Tassoua and Ashura, 9th and 10th days of Martyrdom of Imam Hossein, 29/10/2018: Fortieth day of Martyrdom of Imam Hossein, 

06/11/2018: Death of the Prophet, 

08/11/2018: Death of the eighth Imam Shiite, 



Transport network Iran has a very good road network with the possibility of breaks on highways and a fleet in good condition. The roads are well maintained and allow to connect in good conditions the distances from city to city which are sometimes substantial. The buses are new and comfortable. All of them respect the very controlled speed limits (like France) as well as the wearing of the belt. Truck traffic is important on the main roads (especially north-south Tehran / Isfahan / Shiraz).


vaccines Iran poses no particular health problem and no vaccine is mandatory; except for yellow fever for travelers arriving from a country where it is rife. 

Vaccines advised: Diphtheria, tetanus, poliomyelitis, hepatitis A and B, whooping cough (whose reappearance in adults, even in France, justifies vaccination for any trip), typhoid and rabies (for extended stays or adventure trips). 

Malaria: The risk of malaria for travelers is minimal, the malarious areas (south-east or west of the country being outside the tourist circuits (Tehran, Isfahan, Shiraz, Yazd). Risk only during the summer months, in the Hormozgan, Sistan-o-Baluchistan, Kerman regions: if you spend one or more evenings or nights in rural areas, protection against mosquito bites is recommended) located outside the tourist circuits (Tehran, Isfahan, Shiraz, Yazd).

Local prevention recommendations: Be up to date with vaccinations.

Hygiene standards are high, however, have fast-acting medications to treat stomach discomfort, some dressings, a disinfectant, aspirin, good sunscreen, as well as any special medication you need.


The most common drink is Chay (tea). Tap water is not only safe but very healthy. The water network is exceptional and unique throughout the Middle East and Central Asia. Please note that it is strictly forbidden to buy or drink alcohol, no hotel or restaurant is allowed to serve alcohol. gratuities In Iran, tipping is widespread and expected by your guides and drivers. It should not be seen as a constraint, but as a reward for a service rendered. Its allocation and amount are at your discretion. 


Population & language & religion & us & customs 


The majority of the population is Persians; In Iran there are nearly 80 million inhabitants grouped in the big cities. The country also has Azeris, Kurds and nomadic or semi-nomadic populations. 


The official language is Persian (Farsi) of Indo-European origin. A dozen other languages are practiced in the country as Azeri, Kurdish, etc. English is becoming more common in major cities, and some major tourist spots. 


The Shia Islam Religion is the official religion of Iran, accounts for 89%, Sunni Islam 10%, and the other 1% of the population. 

Us and customs 

It is not customary to show signs of affection between anyone of the opposite sex in public.As in most countries, smoking is prohibited in public places.