

Package Details

Day 1: Flight from your home country to Tehran capital of IRAN

We prepare ourselves for a fabulous trip to Great Persia.

Arrival to Tehran, after custom formality, meet and assist at airport and transfer to the Hotel.

Day 2: Tehran

After breakfast in hotel, we prepare to start for city sightseeing, visit Niyavaran Palace,Lunch in a local restaurant during the visit .In the afternoon visit Bazaar Tajrish and Imamzadeh Saleh mausoleum.

Dinner in local restaurant and return to the hotel

The Niavaran Complex is a historical complex situated in Shemiran, Tehran (Greater Tehran), Iran. It consists of several buildings and monuments built in the Qajar and Pahlavi eras. The complex traces its origin to a garden in Niavaran region, which was used as a summer residence by Fath-Ali Shah of the Qajar Dynasty. A pavilion was built in the garden by the order of Naser ed Din Shah of the same dynasty, which was originally referred to as Niavaran House, and was later renamed Saheb Qaranie House. The pavilion of Ahmad Shah Qajarwas built in the late Qajar period.During the reign of the Pahlavi Dynasty, a modern built mansion named Niavaran House was built for the imperial family of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. All of the peripheral buildings of the Saheb Qaranie House, with the exception of the Ahmad Shahi Pavilion, were demolished, and the buildings and structures of the present-day complex were built to the north of the Saheb Qaranie House. In the Pahlavi period, the Ahmad Shahi Pavilion served as an exhibition area for the presents from world eaders to the Iranian monarchs. 

Imāmzādeh Sāleh is one of many Imāmzadeh mosques in Iran. The mosque is located at Tajrish Square in Tehran's northern Shemiran district. The mosque entombs the remains of Sāleh, a son of the Twelver Shī‘ah Imām, Mūsā al-Kādhim, and is one of the most popular Shī‘ah shrines in northern Tehran.

 O/N: Tehran.

Day 3: Tehran – Qazvin

After breakfast, check out hotel and drive to Qazvin (162km). In Qazvin visit Museum of Anthropology, Qajar bathroom, Tomb H. Exchequer, Cantor Church, Mosque of Qazvin, Qazvin market.

O/N: Qazvin

Museum of Anthropology: The monument in 1379 by the Cultural Heritage and Tourism Qazvin Province purchases and by investing Qazvin Municipality and the renovation and improvement of management was refurbished and now as the Museum of Anthropology in 3 parts ethnicities, customs and jobs are interested Bazdbd place.

Qajar bathroom: Bath Ghajar one of the oldest and largest bathhouses of Qazvin in 1057 AH by Amir Khan Qajar species Qazvini the commanders of Shah Abbas Safavi made ​​Dstvrshah first "Royal Bath" is called. Building on the “Bless health, "said the 1057 is equivalent to:

Construction of elegance thanks to King bathroom ... to accept any MUQBIL

When one comes from the inside out ... "Bless the authenticity of" the date

Its area is about 1045 square meters. Bathroom of three main sections Srbynh, meandering and oven as well consist of two separate sections for men and women separately, in its original spiral staircase to the south opens and Srbynh leads. Srbynh large bath with beautiful pond in the middle of it six alcove arch and octagonal in plain view with a corridor to link the oven.

Tomb H. Exchequer: Tomb H. Exchequer of the patriarch and Qazvin, Taleghani Street, Street Malekabad former alley located Exchequer and the effect on 20 Persian date Bahman 1318 with registration number 332 as one of the national monuments has been registered. H. Exchequer small brick tomb tower is planned lunar eighth century square tower capped by four elephants, 8-sided and covered with conical dome.

280 square meter courtyard is only 40 square meters of this amount is allocated to infrastructure. Entrance to the tomb of the Prophet Mohammad Sadiq including La Illaha Alaallh ol Haq and Al-Bari al-Amin al- decorated, the building has a simple turquoise tiled domes and pillars around the inscription is below Sura pushed further down the line prescriptions bed and double doors at the entrance the tomb also sloppy goal is inlaid.

A pair of inlaid tomb, a leaf is gone and the door has been transferred to the National Museum of Iran and its location in the new building was laid in the tomb.

Exterior brick building in accordance with the provisions of the patriarch M's style, conical dome earlier that in later period’s brick and tile Mqrnssazy circle around the bottom of the dome repaired.

Infrastructure and the beautiful dome of the magnificent monuments of the Mughal era, with an inscription in hieroglyphics how life is azure tiles H. Exchequer, ancestors and his writings have been summarized.

The tombs in the neighborhood of the Shrine of Ali and Amna Khatoon cotton thread Square East is located in Qazvin, which is also called long-Dome.

Many people in the fourteenth century solar neighborhood, enclosure wall around the monument that had become ruins, were conducted at the tomb of a brief but historic restoration in 1319 this tomb was essential.

The entrance on the southwest side of the mausoleum is across the courtyard and shape of the tiles to square up above the 8-sided and the rest of the jugular subrounded, the dome of cone-shaped and all the brick distances be jointing is.

North corner, two bedrooms and two underground mausoleum to guard the tomb was built with a dock and water. The tomb in the style of Azerbaijani architecture is built.

Cantor Church: Cantor Church known as the "bell tower" in World War II during the occupation of Iran by Russian forces in the city of Qazvin was built. This chapel like other church has a cruciform plan, with the altar facing east. West Drzl the church entrance and includes entrance space with sloping roof and entrance doors. After logging in, the Hall space located at the top of the belfry with a height of about eleven meters to be seen. Hall includes a chapel and altar, and on both sides, are two rectangular space. Altar space in the shape of a half circle and over the dome is located. Prayer hall with a dome and side spaces covered beds. The exterior of the church, decorative columns can be seen. Church architecture irregular polygon map is glazed with red brick and has a great view. Decorative columns on the exterior of the church is beautiful and there are special because of the shape and contour of the Church among the monuments of Qazvin has a very different position. Edges first floor of the bell tower of the chapel has great views, but on the second floor Burch column four columns in the four corners of the distance from the wall. Apart from Tvrgyrhay chapel bell

Tower is also Nvrgyrhayy. Pave the churchyard has been seen in the area where stone is one of them belongs to a Russian pilot.

Mosque of Qazvin: Atiq Mosque of Qazvin or Mosque or the Great Mosque of the largest mosques in Iran and most Vkhn Msjdjam Iran from the time of Sassanid fire temple was built on the first Ast.bnay (temple was part of the southern portico). It has four porches and the style Msjdbh the city of Qazvin. This year 192 AD, built at the command of Aaron Alrshydvbh. The Mongol invasions of Qazvin Vazanjakh the Msjdshhrbvdh, part of it (Vazjmlh south porch) was destroyed but has been restored in subsequent periods.

Multi-era architecture in the oldest part of the building is observed and it belongs to the second century of Islam. Ivan course Safavi renovated but the eastern porch during the Qajar been refurbished.

Construction Mqsvrh Khomartash on the south side of the mosque on the orders of the Emir Ibn Abdullah Emadi hooded Tash, Minister Sultan Malek Shah Seljuk was the year 500 AH. As well as the inscriptions on the fifth row of flowering Kufic script, manuscripts and one-third can be seen at this location.

In May 1392 Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization of Qazvin province west of the restoration of the minaret of the mosque Museum of stone and ceramics in the yard opened west of the historic mosque. The museum of pottery, stone engravings, sash, tile and various gypsum involved in the art exhibit in the world.

Qazvin market: Qazvin collection with interesting architecture and its old market, one of the landmarks of the city of Qazvin Ast.sabqh market in Qazvin to one thousand years, and over time the market reaches up to the Safavid grows and in the course by selecting Qazvin as the capital of Iran and after in the Qajar era with the construction of significant projects such as the home of Saad al- market due to the proximity of the city of Qazvin in the axis connecting the capital of the west and northern Iran on those given great value. But the current market collection of Safavid and attributed much of its current buildings during the Qajar made.

During the Safavid expanded market environment and the market have been related to a specific trade. In the course of each of these markets, mosques, baths, inns, arcade and Qysryhhay that of these, arcade and Caesarea Trade Center site were craftsmen. Qazvin housed Taqha brick immense height, Yi sections of Qazvin market, which has four gates and is still extant works. North Door Timcheh soldier, southern door Timcheh covered, Eastern door to the home minister and the Western door to a small Chahar connected.

Qazvin's most important market areas are: un-Nabi (mosque) , Saad al-Saray , the home secretary , the home of Haj Reza Razavi House (the home of the King), covered passageways including indoor and outdoor swimming Mehdi Darvish, Haj Mohammad Taqi and orders Caesarea.

 Day 4: Qazvin – Astara

After breakfast, check out hotel and drive to Astara (341km). Arrival in Astara, check in hotel.

Afternoon visit tourism attraction in Astara.

City of Astara in Gilan province due to its geographical location, has various tourist attractions. During 2014, more than one million Iranian tourists and 700H/T foreigners visited this city.

O/N Astara

Laton Waterfall Gilan province, 15 kilometers south of the city of Astara, Rick narrow village lies Lavandevil city. Lawton approximate height of the waterfall is 105 meters long terms, the highest waterfall in Gilan, Iran counts.

The waterfall originates from the slopes of East Mountain Espinas and Lavandevil river with its length of 17 kilometers Espinas originated from the mountains down to the narrow and steep with Rick and Lavandevil motion and finally into the Caspian Sea.

The volume of water in different seasons are different, but in all seasons cascade of water.

Day 5: Astara – Fouman

After breakfast, visit Astara:

Garden birds: Astara-Rasht-Astara bird’s garden at the entrance to the road in an area of ​​50 thousand square meters was built more than 300 birds of 60 different species in which it exists. Among the birds of the garden as peacocks, pheasants, parrots, chickens for, whiteheads tassels, Emperor, quail, partridge, nightingale, canaries, lovebirds noted speaker and enamel. Also among Pheasants Mvnal, Fayrbk, Trkapan, Silver, Gold, Syvnhv, watercress, Portuguese, green, neck ring and colleges, such Fayrbk and Mvnal located all over the attention of domestic and foreign tourists. All the decorative Pheasants, foreign and rare, and some of them like Mona and Fayrbk rarely found in Gilan and the country. Additionally, each month an average of about 50 tourists from Russia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine and even Iraq visited Astara birds, action shots and videos of the rare species it.

National Garden: The garden was tried in a furnace the Qajar period in front of the customs building. Library, Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults, Nfy theater hall, children's play equipment and sanitary facilities in the garden. Daralqran and sales center in its recently constructed children's book.

Tea garden near our house: 2 km southwest of Astara is that Abbas Abad village called. The village is famous for its prospects Bkrbvdn, especially the catastrophic mountain village in the mountains of effort is Espinas fields. Due to physical development and increase of construction space around the village also drawn to the city, but the center is still pristine and beautiful remains. The village is one of the finest fertile rice paddies Srshaz growing areas of the village.

One of Dydnytryn section near our house, garden of the same name is the only center of tea cultivation in the entire city, and tens of years.

Tea garden near our house Din Shah founded the garden in the period Grdydhast Research Center, Ministry of Agriculture is now active in the field of mass-produced product hazelnuts.

Evening drive to Fouman (155km)

O/N: Fouman

Day 6: Fouman- Ramsar

After breakfast, visit Rudkhan Castle, Lunch in Rudkhan Castle, and afternoon drive to Ramsar (164km).

Rudkhan Castle: is a brick and stone medieval castle in Iran.Located 25 km southwest of Foman city north of Iran in Gilan province, it is a military complex which had been constructed during the Sasanian era (224-651), and later rebuilt during the Seljuq era by followers of the Ismā’īlī sect. The castle is built on two tips of a mount, with an area of 2.6 hectares (6.4 acres). Its architects have benefited from natural mountainous features in the construction of the fort.

The Rudkhan Castle River originates in the surrounding heights and flows from south to north.

After crossing a mountainous winding route with dense forests, the first thing that one notices about the castle is its big entrance gate.

Rudkhan Castle sits at the two peaks of a mountain at elevations of 715 and 670 metres and contains strong fortifications and battlements at a length of 1,550 metres. The castle’s 42 towers still stand intact.

 Day 7: Ramsar

  After breakfast, visit tourism attractions in Ramsar.

  Ramsar city with indescribable beauty in the western end of the province and the beautiful forest on the slopes of the Alborz and dream beaches of the Caspian Sea lie with its tourist attractions and accommodation, catering and recreational and shortest distance between the mountains and the sea with the title of the bride cities as poles tourism is important in the country and even the world.           

Ramsar old hotel with beautiful architecture and green space in the city center at the foot of forested mountains with spectacular Landscaping Solar in 1317 and placed under Reza Shah Pahlavi been exploited. About five thousand square meters on three floors of the hotel infrastructure in terms of architecture, beauty, location and equipment is one of the most famous hotels in the Middle East.

Javaherdeh 27 km Ramsar and at an elevation of 1,800 meters above sea level and access routes to the western city of Ramsar Javaherdeh the sides of which pass through wooded mountains and along the river Safaroud this area glaring summer. Village Javaherdeh cool weather in the summer in terms of having been welcomed by domestic and foreign tourists and accommodation facilities for tourists are available in this area. In addition to natural beauty and abundant springs Javaherdeh village has also enjoyed the history that it represents Qzmt cemeteries Gabri in the history of the site. (Lunch in Javaherdeh)

Lifts Ramsar: The lifts are 10 minutes from Ramsar to CHABOKSAR of origin coast to the mountain Aylmyly extended, and attractive environment. Considering the kart track and shopping centers, cafes and entertainment centers and joyful atmosphere full is triggered. Ramsar lifts as the lifts Country along the Caspian coast to the highlands forest with 40 rooms over 2 kilometers long and is created by the private sector. This lifts the tourism entertainment facilities catering units with a capacity of 50 rooms equipped with carrying capacity of 450 people per hour.

Day 8: Ramsar – Tehran

After breakfast, check out hotel and drive toward Tehran. Transfer to International airport to fly back to your home.


Pellentesque accumsan magna in augue sagittis, non fringilla eros molestie. Sed feugiat mi nec ex vehicula, nec vestibulum orci semper. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Donec tristique commodo fringilla. Duis aliquet varius mauris eget rutrum. Nullam sit amet justo consequat, bibendum orci in, convallis enim. Proin convallis neque viverra finibus cursus. Mauris lacinia lacinia erat in finibus.

Pellentesque accumsan magna in augue sagittis, non fringilla eros molestie. Sed feugiat mi nec ex vehicula, nec vestibulum orci semper. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Donec tristique commodo fringilla.

  • Specilaized Bilingual Guide
  • Private Transport
  • Entrance Fees
  • Box Lunch,Water,Dinner and Snacks

Pellentesque accumsan magna in augue sagittis, non fringilla eros molestie. Sed feugiat mi nec ex vehicula, nec vestibulum orci semper. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Donec tristique commodo fringilla.

  • Specilaized Bilingual Guide
  • Private Transport
  • Entrance Fees
  • Box Lunch,Water,Dinner and Snacks

Pellentesque accumsan magna in augue sagittis, non fringilla eros molestie. Sed feugiat mi nec ex vehicula, nec vestibulum orci semper. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Donec tristique commodo fringilla.

  • Specilaized Bilingual Guide
  • Private Transport
  • Entrance Fees
  • Box Lunch,Water,Dinner and Snacks

Pellentesque accumsan magna in augue sagittis, non fringilla eros molestie. Sed feugiat mi nec ex vehicula, nec vestibulum orci semper. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Donec tristique commodo fringilla.

  • Specilaized Bilingual Guide
  • Private Transport
  • Entrance Fees
  • Box Lunch,Water,Dinner and Snacks

Pellentesque accumsan magna in augue sagittis, non fringilla eros molestie. Sed feugiat mi nec ex vehicula, nec vestibulum orci semper. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Donec tristique commodo fringilla.

  • Specilaized Bilingual Guide
  • Private Transport
  • Entrance Fees
  • Box Lunch,Water,Dinner and Snacks